[杂记]临时下线多说评论系统和 MovableType 6.2 发布

时间总是飞速。 转眼国庆长假已经过去一周?

博客也好久没有更新了。 随便写点记录。

  1. 临时下线多说评论系统,原因嘛。最近的的多说越来越不正常了。。。评论显示不全,阵发性评论框不显示等等。。。。
    下线的办法也很简单。 仅仅在我自己写的 js 中 设置easunConfig.load_duoshuo = false; 就万事大吉。

  2. MovableType 6.2 发布了。
    其实貌似发布在 10月8日。只是一直没有去看而已。

New and enhanced asset management features:

Upload multiple files asynchronously

You can upload multiple files by drag-and-drop from the posting screen and also from the "Upload Asset" menu. When upload is finished, you can edit the name, description and tags on the fly. Edit images easily

This new feature provide image editing function. You can scale images, rotate images and cropping images before to inserting the entries and web pages. Also, you can remove the GPS metadata and EXIF metadata. Default upload settings

Website administrator (and Blog administrator) can configure default settings for upload that including default upload destination and more.

Data API v3

Changed the authentication password

In the Data API v3, authentication password for "/authentication" endpoint was changed from user's password to user's web services password. The reason is security improvement. v1 and v2 are not changed. Possible to filter by date range.

The endpoints that list the objects such as listEntries, can now do filtering by date range.

主要热点为 多附件拖动上传。 因为打算停留在 5.x ,也就了解一下,跟新的朋友可以升级。